May 2, 2024

Planting Peonies

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, I have so many peonies! I cannot wait for them all to bloom.

I adore peonies and have been growing them for quite some time. I have a long tree peony border planted under the semi-shade of giant sugar maples. I have a giant bed completely dedicated to pink and white herbaceous peonies across the carriage road from my home. I have tree peonies and Itoh peonies in the formal sunken garden behind my Summer House. Late last year, we planted 75 bare root peony divisions in what will be my new cutting garden adjacent to my chickens. And this week, I decided to add a selection of peonies to the flower garden just outside my main greenhouse - a couple of them have already started to show off their gorgeous blossoms.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

May 1, 2024

A Trip to Select Horticulture Inc.

As a passionate gardener, it's always such a treat for me to visit a well-stocked nursery that deals in beautiful and unusual varieties of plants.

Last week, on Arbor Day in fact, I took some time from my busy schedule to stop in at Select Horticulture Inc. in Pound Ridge, New York and check on their current inventory. Select Horticulture Inc. offers an extensive collection of premium quality trees and shrubs including large sizes, unusual and rare specimens, with both stand-alone and mature espaliered options. I'm always searching for interesting specimens to add to my gardens, and I always find something at Select Horticulture Inc.

Enjoy these photos.

April 30, 2024

Growing Asparagus

Ever wonder how asparagus is grown?

Every spring, we harvest bunches of delicious asparagus. Asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, are the edible shoots, commonly called spears, that rise early in the season from underground stems called crowns. These perennial plants require patience and at least a few years to become well-established. I made sure an asparagus crop was planted when I first bought my farm. I also now have a large asparagus bed in my new vegetable garden. And while we're careful not to harvest too much too soon, this patch is already proving to be very productive.

Enjoy these photos.